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Oudi Abouchacra

Oudi Abouchacra

Parker University, Texas

Title: Gastro Intelligence as a driver for weight loss and reconnection with self


Biography: Oudi Abouchacra


Obesity has thus become a global epidemic and individuals continue to struggle with this diet and that in efforts to lose weight, prevent further weight gain and get healthy. Despite the myriad of available diets, little success has been achieved as these mainstream diets are restrictive, too regimented and cannot be sustained in the long term. People therefore need to be empowered to find their own way of eating that is effective, sustainable and enjoyable. Humanity’s potbelly is not the only issue though. Human beings are severely dis-c-on-n-e-c-t-and with themselves the question is; it is reverible? Despite the fact that this journey of reconnection revolves around food, it has the potential to affect not only ones’ body but one’s journey of self-mastery in general. This presentation cuts through the complex web of nutritional info to deliver to you a simple eating methodology. With each meal you will uncover and piece together the only sustainable diet out there, your OWN unique diet. By doing so you will be on your way to getting to your ideal weight, staying there for life while avoiding a myriad of common digestive issues. There are factors just as, if not more important than, what you should and shouldn’t eat. In this presentation, there will be a focus on when human beings should eat and how many times per day. Intermittent fasting will be discussed, along with the research supporting it. However intermittent fasting will be faced off against a powerful philosophy, simple psychology and solid logic in efforts to discover the superior way of looking at meal timing, meal number, and fasting. Participants will leave with not only a handful of new terms but considerable food for thought surrounding the question of WHEN to eat.